Hog Island Deer Farm
Auction 10.31.09
12:00 PM
161.66 Acres, Parcel ID#: 011-27-300-002, 011-27-300-001, 011-28-400-002, Duck Ponds, 12-15+/- Elk, 30-45+/- Deer, Most of the property is fenced. Shiawassee Township Sections 27 & 28, Shiawassee County.
25.707 Acres, Parcel ID#: 011-27-200-016, Hunting land right off the express way of Interstate 29 and Grandriver Rd. Shiawassee Township Section 27, Shiawassee County.
10% Down the day of the auction, 10% Buyers Premium, Close within 30 days!