Tractors: John Deere 9400, John Deere R8360, John Deere R8285, John Deere RT8320, John Deere RT8320, John Deere 4960, John Deere 4440, & John Deere 6310,
Tillage: Krause 4850-18ft Dominator disk chisel, Krause 4990 30ft disk, Krause 8310 32ft disk, Sunflower 4511 15-shank chisel plow, Sunflower 1434 33ft disk, Sunflower 7252 35ft Crumbler rolling packer, Horsch Anderson Joker RT230, John Deere 200 30ft crumbler, John Deere 726 32ft finisher, John Deere 1010 15ft field cultivator, John Deere 1010 36ft field cultivator, & Brilliion X108 21ft packer
Planting: John Deere 1770NT 16-row (30") planter, John Deere 1790 24-row (20”) planter, John Deere 1990 40ft air seeder, John Deere 750 15ft no-till drill, John Deere 455 25ft drill, Fargo ST250 tender, & Killbros Seedveyor 260 seed tender
Crop Care: Hagie STS12 sprayer, Oxbow spreader, DMI 3200 15-shank, & anhydrous applicator
Combines: John Deere S670, John Deere 9760, & John Deere 9750
Harvesting: Honeybee Draper, John Deere 635F/AWS platform, John Deere 630F platform, John Deere 630F platform, John Deere 893 corn head, John Deere 843 corn head, & Brent 1084 grain cart
Grain Handling: Loftness GBLl0 bagger, & Loftness GBUlO bag unloader
Industrial: Skytrac 6036 telehandler, Skytrac 6042 telehandler, Deere 6908 excavator, Case 621 wheel loader, Michigan 758 wheel loader, Degelman RP7200 rock picker, & Degelman rock rake
Heavy Trucks: Peterbilt 385 semi, International 09 Transtar 8600 semi, & Frieghtliner tender truck, & Chevy grain truck
Trailers: Wilson Commander hopper, Ravens 38 ft dump, & Delta tender
Miscellaneous: (9) Chevrolet & GMC 4x4 pickups. Irrigation, & Mowers
More information coming soon!
All items to be picked up Wednesday and Thursday, March 26, and 27 from 10am-2pm at 57394 Covered Bridge Rd, Centerville, MI 49032.
For household items, if you have large items or need help loading your lot(s), you MUST bring your own help to the load out. Auction staff is not responsible for loading lots.
All purchases must be paid for in U.S. funds at load out. Cash, Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, or good personal checks (w/bank letter if over $5000) are accepted. Sheridan Realty & Auction Co. reserves the right to verify funds on all checks. Should you choose to pay with a credit/debit card, you will be charged an additional 5% handling fee. $5000 max payment accepted on credit cards. Credit card and ID must be present at load out, even for pre-paid invoices. No credit cards accepted on titled vehicles.
No item is to be removed from the auction site until full settlement arrangements have been made. Auction Company and/or sellers not responsible for accidents on auction/load out day, or accidents involving machinery or items after sold.
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If item(s) are not picked up within seven days of the loadout and arrangements have not been made with the auction manager, item(s) will become property of Sheridan Realty & Auction Co.
All titled vehicles subject to 6% Michigan sales tax (calculated based on sale price), $75 broker fee, and $15 title transfer fee. No credit cards accepted on titled vehicles.
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